Ep. 29: Friending as Adults with Kerrah Fabacher

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Counselor, writer, and boundaries coach Kerrah Fabacher joins Sarah in episode 29 to talk about making and keeping friends in adulthood. They begin by chatting about Kerrah’s family, work, and podcast, and then Kerrah tells the story about her first experience with deep friendship and how it changed her. Sarah and Kerrah talk about some of the struggles of being the new person in the room or trying to make friends alongside jobs, kids, marriages, or other commitments. Kerrah also gives some great tips on what it looks like to be authentic in our everyday lives.


Kerrah Fabacher is a girl mom and a high school coach’s wife who loves to see women exchange fear for love so they can finally see what good relationships are made of. As a Licensed Professional Counselor, Boundaries Coach, Writer, and host of Be Known, the podcast, she spends her life helping women learn what it means to authentically love God, themselves, and others so that they experience true wholeness. 

You can connect with Kerrah on Instagram (@kerrahfabacher). You can also find out more about her coaching, work, and all the details about her podcast, Be Known, at www.kerrahfabacher.com


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